
Resumes = jobs. Great Resumes = great jobs.

Resumes = jobs. Great Resumes = great jobs.

First Impressions Matter

Want employers to look at you? Want your potential bosses to like you before you even talk to them? You need an upstanding and unforgettable resume, here’s how you can make that happen. One of the biggest things that employers look for in a prospective employee is what qualifies a person to work for them. This is usually broken down into two major things: what skills a person has, and their prior work experience using those skills. It sounds simple really, but take one position that has hundreds of applicants, and you can imagine the similarities employers will need to choose from.

An outstanding resume is just the beginning, your work will need to speak for itself, but without an outstanding resume, you may not even be given the chance to demonstrate your value. While you are still in the military, you should make use of the free services offered to help create such a resume. Don’t panic if you already punched out- this blog is here to help you find some experts resume allys on the other side.

Get Professional Help

Many of the following sights not only offer a discount for military members and veterans, but are also knowledgeable about what type of resume you need, and what type of employment history you have. All of these sites make their niche in helping military transition, so they’ve been around the block before. A huge bonus to a couple of these sites is that they have additional knowledge about this transition, which comes from many of them having military service backgrounds and having been in the same situation.

The majority of their military transition specialists have a military service background. They also offer a 15% discount on their Military to Civilian Transition Service.


They have a team of Master Military Resume writers, and many of them are senior enlisted and military officers. They also report that 85% of the military resumes they prepare land people interviews that lead to job offers.

This company is owned by CareerPro Global, Inc. and has assisted over 58,000 clients. In addition to resume writing, they also offer in-person training, virtual online training, career coaching, and other career serves to help veterans on their job search.

They offer federal resume writing services for transitioning military and veterans. They can translate your military job responsibilities into keywords and transferable skills for a federal position.


They take your military and civilian background and create a strategically positioned resume. Their writers have a track record of producing winning resumes that successfully transition your military and veteran experience to the civilian workplace.

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Go get yourself an excellent resume, it will be an investment that will produce great returns. Plus, once you have a solid draft you will have a starting point. After the foundation, you can always follow format and list additional jobs should you want to further your career or change employment in the future. Having one of our great credentials on your resume, will only make it stronger and more appealing to your future employers. CURRENT COURSES

May the wind be always at your back and may you kick more asses than take names.

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