
Why Do We Stand Out at Aircraft Maintainer?

Why do we stand out at aircraft maintainer? These words are overlayed a black background


We want you to choose us to get your Aircraft Maintainer certifications, but why?

Why choose us? Well, the answer is simple. We care, we understand how you’re feeling, and we actually give a damn because we’ve been in your shoes. That’s why we know exactly what certifications every Active-Duty Aircraft Maintainer should grab before they get out. 

When people choose to leave the military, they expect to have a reasonable life beyond serving our country. You and others like you made the decision to join the service for various reasons – a call to serve, a solution to the cost of education, a direction to head when the future seemed uncertain, a break from familial difficulties, a challenge, and many other reasons. Regardless of the reason, the decision to leave the military or retire presents the same challenges once you take off your uniform for the last time.

We Know Because We’ve Been There

At Aircraft Maintainer, we understand the desire to have options in the civilian sector because we once faced the same decisions you are facing now. We realized that there was a disconnect between the language used in the military and that used in the civilian job market. When we decided to leave the armed forces, we found that our job experience didn’t translate accurately to employers. This made it incredibly challenging to find a fulfilling job that paid enough to make it all worth while.

Aircraft Maintainer was created when our founder realized that if he was facing difficulties assimilating to the civilian workforce, surely there were others who had experienced  – and would experience – the same. Coupled with the other challenges veterans face when transitioning back to civilian life, our founder felt compelled to create this company and its courses as a means of helping others.

How Can We Help You Succeed as an Aircraft Maintainer?

We offer three certifications on our site:

    • The FCC GROL (General Radio Operator License)
    • The FCC GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System)
    • The NCATT AET (Aircraft Electronics Technician)

If you’re a motivated individual, you can complete each of these certifications in less than two weeks. Compared to grad school, it’s like taking on Macho Man in a WWE competition armed with a chair and a tag-in and Macho is limited to fighting blindfolded with both hands tied behind his back.

These certifications will help you get the job you deserve. We know this because we’ve done the research to determine what employers need to know about you in order to value your skills. Having these licenses will allow employers to hire you with confidence, knowing what you’re capable of doing.

The best part?

If you’re eligible for AFCOOL, they won’t cost you a dime. You’ll be awarded licenses when you demonstrate the knowledge you already have from your military experience. Essentially, you’ll take a test for free and be rewarded with higher pay and the job you deserve by continuing to do what you’ve been doing.

Already out of the military? In that case, the only bad news we have is that you will need to pay out of pocket.

Our courses include digital flashcards, real test questions, practice exams, and study material designed to cut out any unnecessary fluff. Our course is much better than studying on your own – it’s tailor made to get you through as fast as possible. Additionally, for our FCC courses, we offer a free re-examination should you not pass your final.


Want to check out some of the ways you will be able to use your new FCC General Radio Operator License should you choose to accept this mission? Click HERE

Interested in a company that will value your experience, especially if you have additional credentials like the NCATT AET? Check out the blog about Forge Flightworks HERE

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