
You May Be Eligible for Our Veterans Discount – Get your FCC GROL or NCATT AET for Half the Price

An FCC GROL course made by maintainers, for maintainers

We get it, because we’ve been where you are. We used to be active-duty Aircraft Maintainers, pulling 12’s and wishing for a day off… maybe even a little anxious about what the future held once we transitioned into the civilian world again. That’s why we want you to use Aircraft Maintainer to get your FCC GROL (also known as the General Radio Operator License).

Our team built these courses specifically for people like you. They’re practically written in crayon, designed by maintainers, for maintainers. Since we know life is tough, and there aren’t ever enough hours in a day to get everything done – these courses are lean and fast, with no extra FLUFF. 

Active-Duty Airmen have access to AFCOOL (Air Force Credentialing Opportunities On-Line), which is a 100% tuition assistance program that pays for these courses (and more)!

A Hefty Discount for Military Veterans

But for military veterans? There aren’t a lot of tuition assistance options. Some people have tried using the VA’s resources. Others have tried to finagle something with the GI Bill. We want to make it easier. 

For two Military Veteran students each month, we will be offering a substantial discount on our courses. This will hopefully open the door for better job prospects, and cut down on the initial cost barrier of these credentials. Right now, both our FCC GROL Course and our NCATT AET Course are eligible for these discounts!

To determine your eligibility, please send us:

  • A snapshot of your state-issued photo ID or passport
  • A selfie that includes your face and your ID
  • A snapshot of your military ID (if you still have one)
  • A copy of your DD Form 214
  • We will also require a video review of the course upon completion. We will record this via Zoom during your Final Exams. 

To apply, please send the documents mentioned above to Our Customer Support Team will reach out to set up your payment. 

If you’re not a veteran, and you’re looking to get your General Radio Operator License, we offer payment options through Affirm – you’ll have to pass their credit check in order to utilize the service. 

Do you have some questions? Please, use our Contact Page, and we’d be happy to answer ANY questions you might have!

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